Sunday, July 31, 2005

Rules for the Road

After many bumps, bruises, and raspberries, I have learned that there are a few basic techniques that are essential in developing the skills of a competent [roller]blader. Here are a few things that your friends probably won't tell you;)

1. Knees should NEVER be locked! Knees should always be bent slightly, or in an almost seated position.

2. The body's weight should be placed on the heels. This will aid in the avoidance of trip ups from small stones and other debris that would otherwise take a skater down. Generally speaking, keep the toes up and knees bent to remain light-footed.

3. Learn to stop without using the factory brake. The extra length the brakes create, tends to catch when rolling off curbs, etc. Snowplows are the easiest...with a firm, wide stance, push both knees inward slightly. Do not turn toes in completely, or the phrase "eating it" will become very literal! T-Stops are also effective. This stop involves dragging one skate behind the skater perpendicular to the front skate, creating a T. The downside to the T-stop is that it wears the wheels unevenly. Please do not remove brake until, at least, one other alternative technique has been mastered.

4. Maintain wheels' inside edges. Rotating wheels often will help to maintain the inside edge necessary for powerful striding, maximum control, and a more comfortable ride. Use the directions that came with the skates. If they cannot be located, feel free to drop me a note. I would be glad to send a diagram. (Honestly, I would be tickled pink if anyone really wants my advice;)

5. Just say no to crack! (Yes, all kinds!) Seriously, though, cracks located at the joints of a double-wide sidewalk can catch a skater off guard. If the joints are deep enough, the wheels often ride inside and follow the crack, inhibiting regular movement mid-stride. In actuality, it's somewhat entertaining to randomly yell out this rule while blading with friends. If lucky, a passerby might hear and think it was meant for them, and quickly pull up on the back of their breeches!...Growing up is soo overrated!...Hehe!

Anyone attempting the techniques listed in this post does so at one's own risk. Proper protection (skating helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards) is suggested but not necessary. I am not an expert. I am only sharing what works for me, but these techniques may not work for everyone. As with mastering any skill, practice is key.

Have fun, learn much, and.......Roll On! ( I am such a cornball!)


Anonymous said...

I want to go rollerblading, I should probably buy some new wheels before I come to Miami.

Kara said...

Yah, new wheels are the best! What kind of bearings are you rollin on? This past winter, I bought a new pair of skates for $65 bucks because it was cheaper than buying new wheels and bearings (usually over $70)! I am still wearing my old boots (my favorite worn out K2s), but it's kind of nice to have an extra pair available for friends to use. I have been drooling over some of the blades I've found on the net. A new pair is in my near future, and I think I will stick with K2; the most comfortable and have lasted a LOOOOOONG time!

BTW...How is your fam? Dan? Beth? DeHarts(I don't remember how to spell it)?

Anonymous said...

I bought some mission hockey rollerblades for $200 a couple of years ago. They came with abec 5 mini bearings. I don't think I will replace the bearings, their still really nice. I probably don't need to replace the back wheels but I really tore up the front ones from playing hockey.

Everyone's doing great, my parents actually just left on vacation so esther and I are home along.

Kara said...

I am using ABEC 7's, even though they haven't been proven better, but they are made with higher precision. They feel smoother than the ABEC 5's I had last time. Hmmm...wouldn't it be great to have the equipment to do a study on the differences in RPM;) between the ABEC 1's, 3's, 5's and 7's?!?!? *sigh* But I don't:( If I had a million dollars....;)
No, I probably wouldn't spend the money on that...hehe.

I haven't played rollerhockey since, well, yah. The last time was probably sometime during the month following Jason's death. I might have played a bit with Dan and Scott the next year, but I don't remember. Those were some very sad, confusing times:('s been awhile since then.

I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well! So with your 'rents gone, are you and your sis planning to party? LOL Where did your parents go? BTW, please tell Esther that I say hello!

Anonymous said...

Party... of course we're going to have some parties. haha. na. My parents went up to the Upper Peninsula to this town on Lake Superior called Grand Marias. Really small town, so I find it really boring after two days and therefore don't go. But they like it because they like just sitting around and relaxing. So it's good.

Kara said...

Haha! I was up in the UP last month and was even near Grand Marais...Logslide, Superior Shoreline for rocks, etc....
My grandparents live in Curtis, which is about 10 minutes away from Seney National Wildlife Preserve......
But I can see how it could get boring....even though it is beautiful;)

Smurf said...

Great tips! That sounds like so much fun!!! ;) That would be fun to do with the whole family.

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