Friday, May 02, 2008


This may not seem cohesive, but I have learned that, often, the emergence of grace and mercy find magnification and unification between the lines…

Can’t you hear it?
I tell you, it is coming!
You’ll see that it has arrived.
I tell you, it was always here.

The weight of Silence equally influences the movement; a compulsory instrument of provocation…

It’s time the pendulum return, thankfully, in a slightly different position…

While I have learned a lot about boldness, recent revelation has uncovered a lack of softness there. I asked the Lord to take me deeper, and in my silence He has been faithful. Mind you, not ALL of my silence has been righteous before the Lord. There has been a good deal of it entwined with the dark fruits of fear. Regardless, this is where I am once again humbled by his grace and his mercy. There is no love I can offer in exchange for the pruning, but that was his plan; a free offering.

With all the discernment that I have at the moment, the cry that constantly resonates in my heart is that of gentleness. I confess that I have been bitter and fearful and arrogant. In my coarseness, I have made mistakes right and left. Yet with conviction these things become gentle reminders from the Lord that I simply don’t exist outside of His grace and mercy. All that is around us and in us is His. The sacrifice is His. Praise Him for our smallness!

To think, God uses the 500 page biographies of such infamous leaders as Stalin in juxtaposition with a free 122-page book that proffers the reasons why Jesus came to die in a concise, yet powerful, work. Uh-MA-ZING!

Praise the Lord!

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