After many bumps, bruises, and raspberries, I have learned that there are a few basic techniques that are essential in developing the skills of a competent [roller]blader. Here are a few things that your friends probably won't tell you;)
1. Knees should NEVER be locked! Knees should always be bent slightly, or in an almost seated position.
2. The body's weight should be placed on the heels. This will aid in the avoidance of trip ups from small stones and other debris that would otherwise take a skater down. Generally speaking, keep the toes up and knees bent to remain light-footed.
3. Learn to stop without using the factory brake. The extra length the brakes create, tends to catch when rolling off curbs, etc. Snowplows are the easiest...with a firm, wide stance, push both knees inward slightly. Do not turn toes in completely, or the phrase "eating it" will become very literal! T-Stops are also effective. This stop involves dragging one skate behind the skater perpendicular to the front skate, creating a T. The downside to the T-stop is that it wears the wheels unevenly. Please do not remove brake until, at least, one other alternative technique has been mastered.
4. Maintain wheels' inside edges. Rotating wheels often will help to maintain the inside edge necessary for powerful striding, maximum control, and a more comfortable ride. Use the directions that came with the skates. If they cannot be located, feel free to drop me a note. I would be glad to send a diagram. (Honestly, I would be tickled pink if anyone really wants my advice;)
5. Just say no to crack! (Yes, all kinds!) Seriously, though, cracks located at the joints of a double-wide sidewalk can catch a skater off guard. If the joints are deep enough, the wheels often ride inside and follow the crack, inhibiting regular movement mid-stride. In actuality, it's somewhat entertaining to randomly yell out this rule while blading with friends. If lucky, a passerby might hear and think it was meant for them, and quickly pull up on the back of their breeches!...Growing up is soo overrated!...Hehe!
Anyone attempting the techniques listed in this post does so at one's own risk. Proper protection (skating helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards) is suggested but not necessary. I am not an expert. I am only sharing what works for me, but these techniques may not work for everyone. As with mastering any skill, practice is key.
Have fun, learn much, and.......Roll On! ( I am such a cornball!)
Julia Dreyer
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
A New Theme Song
Okay, so anyone who knows me will tell you that I don't know squat about music. Really, buying a new CD or MP3 is quite rare, but I am struggling to restrain myself at the moment. I went to a wedding in Cinci a year or so ago (Doug and Shana's wedding was probably the best I have ever attended in my life! Shana sings in Vineyard Central's "Raise Both Hands" CD), and they had a group there named Over the Rhine. My friend Virgi, who I tagged along with, told me all about the group and how much she just loves their music! As usual, I liked what I heard and believed her, but neglected to find out anymore. When she mentioned them more recently, I decided that I should at least check out their website...That's where the trouble begins...I am addicted to the song "Born" from their new CD called "Drunkard's Prayer". It is taking all that I have to restrain myself from splurging! I can't take it! Clearly, this restraint won't last much longer! Anyway, I've decided that it is my new theme song. CLICK HERE to listen to the tune now permeating my space!
Now, I think it's time for a good blade around MU's empty campus, or as I like to call it, my cement playground;)
Now, I think it's time for a good blade around MU's empty campus, or as I like to call it, my cement playground;)
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Stilling the Glass: Part II
The words continue to escape my grasp, yet I cling to reference points for balance. My knowledge of this world is modest, at best, but I am choosing to grasp the victories enduring. Lord, you know which motives inspire the wall pounding fists; the earth eroding tears; the weeping of your child's heart that is breaking. Thus, I come before you, falling to my knees, to humbly cry in the dust at your feet. Expectantly, I am waiting...
I have known Steve for 23 years, and it is for him that my heart and soul cry out.
I remember the days...
when he couldn't say my name and called me Keewa...
when he ran the clawed tires of The Animal and got them stuck in my hair...
when he hit me and lied about it...
when he pinched me and lied about it...
when he hit me again and lied about it...
when he got in trouble for hitting me and pinching me and lying about it...
when he ran into the post in the basement of the church and split open his forehead(there is still a scar)...
when we tried to dig a tunnel in Aunt Mary's back yard...
when my friends and his would play Ghosts in the Graveyard...
when he taught me how to throw a football...
when he called me mom...
when he taught me how to throw a baseball...
Yes, I could go on forever. That is part of the reason I plead on his behalf.
Okay, I am stuck again....How do I write about how he said his head was not right? How do I write about his first seizure? Or when they said there was a shadow on the test? How do I write about the brain surgery to remove the tumor? What about, how he, a person with a handicap, was assaulted by the big smiley face?
How do I say that the tumor has returned in two places?
How do I say that I love him more than he knows?
How do I write that my heart's desire is for him to know Jesus?
How do I say that he is my brother?
I have known Steve for 23 years, and it is for him that my heart and soul cry out.
I remember the days...
when he couldn't say my name and called me Keewa...
when he ran the clawed tires of The Animal and got them stuck in my hair...
when he hit me and lied about it...
when he pinched me and lied about it...
when he hit me again and lied about it...
when he got in trouble for hitting me and pinching me and lying about it...
when he ran into the post in the basement of the church and split open his forehead(there is still a scar)...
when we tried to dig a tunnel in Aunt Mary's back yard...
when my friends and his would play Ghosts in the Graveyard...
when he taught me how to throw a football...
when he called me mom...
when he taught me how to throw a baseball...
Yes, I could go on forever. That is part of the reason I plead on his behalf.
Okay, I am stuck again....How do I write about how he said his head was not right? How do I write about his first seizure? Or when they said there was a shadow on the test? How do I write about the brain surgery to remove the tumor? What about, how he, a person with a handicap, was assaulted by the big smiley face?
How do I say that the tumor has returned in two places?
How do I say that I love him more than he knows?
How do I write that my heart's desire is for him to know Jesus?
How do I say that he is my brother?
Monday, July 25, 2005
For the librarians...
Okay, librarian(s), this one's for you! My cousin, Britt, has taken her out-of-town guests to the Cleveland Public Library, of all places....hehe. She has even posted a library pic in her web journal, not_an_idea. You can also find it in my links as "I heart my cuz". She is an extremely intelligent and talented art student at Bethel College in Indiana. Yes, she is into theater and was a member of speech and debate in HS, as I am sure at least one of you can relate to [yah, you know who you are;)].
Even if you're not a librarian, chances are you will enjoy her posts immensly!
Even if you're not a librarian, chances are you will enjoy her posts immensly!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Have you always wanted to feel successful and productive?
Have you always wanted to feel successful and productive? Well, you don't have to wait another minute! I have a sure fire way of increasing your feelings of success and accomplishment! Within minutes of following my program, I guarantee that you will feel and appear more productive! All it takes is one easy step, and you will be on your way to leading the life you always wanted! This specialist has developed a fool proof way of dealing with those icky, sticky feelings of failure and lost time.
Do you worry every day because you haven't checked off everything on your to do list? Are you tired of thinking that everyone else is more efficient than you day after day, after day? Are there things that you have always wanted to do, but don't think you ever will?
Well, throw away that to do list and every feeling of inadequacy, because in just 30 seconds I am going to reveeal a one-time offer that will change your life!
Okay, audience, are you ready to discover the secret to true happiness?
Take just 30 seconds, or 1, or even 2 minutes to read this schedule and compare yourself to something so pathetic that it shouldn't be allowed in public.
That's right compare your day to mine, and I guarantee that your feelings of inadequacy will decrease by at least 10%! *results have not been tested and may vary
Operator will NOT be standing by!
My day:
Alarm 8:15
snoozed until 8:30
Dressed and checked email
Out the door by 8:53
Arrived at the Johnson's at 9:00
No one home
no service project:(
Went home
Thought about bed
phone calls
Landlord's son arrives (he is supposed to be gone for the summer!)
Explained pipe water damage & lock
Checked email
Continued with the phone calls
Tried to write
Did not write
Blog surfed
Tried to write
Started to write
Words were stuck
3:30 nap
4:30 alarm
snoozed til 5:00
voice mail - small group in Hami cancelled
Cereal bowl and a half of blueberries
Watched tv
Added linkage to blog
Tried to write
Tried to Think
Lack of Clarity
8:00 blading
9:00 shower
phone calls
Crossed Street
Kim, Murle, Victor
Came home
Checked email
Heard a noise in kitchen
Conclusion mouse
Remembering traps
Evil laugh
Here mousie mousie!
Posting Blog
*all claims in this entry have been made in jest. Sadly, the only truth to be found in the entry above is the schedule of my day. Should you actually believe that your life will improve by comparing yourself to others, you may do so at your own risk. In no way do I really suggest or condone this destructive behavior. I include the small print because, believe it or not, someone may take this seriously. Click on this LINK to see that these people really do exist.
Do you worry every day because you haven't checked off everything on your to do list? Are you tired of thinking that everyone else is more efficient than you day after day, after day? Are there things that you have always wanted to do, but don't think you ever will?
Well, throw away that to do list and every feeling of inadequacy, because in just 30 seconds I am going to reveeal a one-time offer that will change your life!
Okay, audience, are you ready to discover the secret to true happiness?
Take just 30 seconds, or 1, or even 2 minutes to read this schedule and compare yourself to something so pathetic that it shouldn't be allowed in public.
That's right compare your day to mine, and I guarantee that your feelings of inadequacy will decrease by at least 10%! *results have not been tested and may vary
Operator will NOT be standing by!
My day:
Alarm 8:15
snoozed until 8:30
Dressed and checked email
Out the door by 8:53
Arrived at the Johnson's at 9:00
No one home
no service project:(
Went home
Thought about bed
phone calls
Landlord's son arrives (he is supposed to be gone for the summer!)
Explained pipe water damage & lock
Checked email
Continued with the phone calls
Tried to write
Did not write
Blog surfed
Tried to write
Started to write
Words were stuck
3:30 nap
4:30 alarm
snoozed til 5:00
voice mail - small group in Hami cancelled
Cereal bowl and a half of blueberries
Watched tv
Added linkage to blog
Tried to write
Tried to Think
Lack of Clarity
8:00 blading
9:00 shower
phone calls
Crossed Street
Kim, Murle, Victor
Came home
Checked email
Heard a noise in kitchen
Conclusion mouse
Remembering traps
Evil laugh
Here mousie mousie!
Posting Blog
*all claims in this entry have been made in jest. Sadly, the only truth to be found in the entry above is the schedule of my day. Should you actually believe that your life will improve by comparing yourself to others, you may do so at your own risk. In no way do I really suggest or condone this destructive behavior. I include the small print because, believe it or not, someone may take this seriously. Click on this LINK to see that these people really do exist.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Stilling the Glass: Part I
The dirty, glass coffee table is cluttered with various beads, batteries, keys, coasters, receipts, CDs and remotes. One of the overturned fat chef coasters catches the condensation from the water glass that rests upon it. Sitting on my somewhat broken, bright blue loveseat, I try to concentrate as my laptop plays random tracks from Chris Rea’s Espresso Logic, Vineyard Central's Raise Both Hands, Madison Greene’s Whitestone Gathering and various others that have been thrown in the mix. I am determined to write something, anything; needing to make sense of the mess of swirling thoughts that have become burdensome, and oppressive. Out of everything that surrounds my self, my thoughts, I am distracted by the water glass…
Like the scene out of Jurassic Park I have been sitting in wait for the water to ripple and topple over (I can’t believe I just referred to a movie). In literal terms, I don’t think the sky is falling, or there will be an earthquake, or anything along those lines. It’s probably a combination of things, but for the moment it seems to be related to my disgust for a corporate fiend, commonly known as Wal-Mart or Wally World, or W*$^%, as I kindly referred to it in my last post. The truth is that I expect the monster to strike again, and again, and again.
That’s right, it may not be news to anyone reading this, but corporate irresponsibility is something that has come to my attention in a very personal way. Until now, I have held off writing much about this subject for a variety of reasons. First of all, frustration and anger seem to appear when I think through the mess. Talking about it just would not have been beneficial. Secondly, discussing this issue involves addressing other tough issues that I haven’t yet disclosed in this medium. Thirdly, there exist legal concerns. Finally, when all is said and done, I want to make sure my heart is in the right place; revenge is not mine. I may keep this journal for my own benefit, but I recognize that it is also a public forum. Thus, I have been praying about it, and I think that the truth of the situation will speak for itself. I am trusting that readers will take it as it is, a cry of injustice, and NOT a desire for revenge.
Despite the risk of being overly dramatic (I know, too late!), I have decided to write and present these thoughts in a mini series of sorts. The idea occurred to me when I considered the lengthy, chaotic rant that might ensue from a one shot post. With that being said, may God bless anyone who decides for or against following along and enduring the sinuous paths of my current battles.
Like the scene out of Jurassic Park I have been sitting in wait for the water to ripple and topple over (I can’t believe I just referred to a movie). In literal terms, I don’t think the sky is falling, or there will be an earthquake, or anything along those lines. It’s probably a combination of things, but for the moment it seems to be related to my disgust for a corporate fiend, commonly known as Wal-Mart or Wally World, or W*$^%, as I kindly referred to it in my last post. The truth is that I expect the monster to strike again, and again, and again.
That’s right, it may not be news to anyone reading this, but corporate irresponsibility is something that has come to my attention in a very personal way. Until now, I have held off writing much about this subject for a variety of reasons. First of all, frustration and anger seem to appear when I think through the mess. Talking about it just would not have been beneficial. Secondly, discussing this issue involves addressing other tough issues that I haven’t yet disclosed in this medium. Thirdly, there exist legal concerns. Finally, when all is said and done, I want to make sure my heart is in the right place; revenge is not mine. I may keep this journal for my own benefit, but I recognize that it is also a public forum. Thus, I have been praying about it, and I think that the truth of the situation will speak for itself. I am trusting that readers will take it as it is, a cry of injustice, and NOT a desire for revenge.
Despite the risk of being overly dramatic (I know, too late!), I have decided to write and present these thoughts in a mini series of sorts. The idea occurred to me when I considered the lengthy, chaotic rant that might ensue from a one shot post. With that being said, may God bless anyone who decides for or against following along and enduring the sinuous paths of my current battles.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
High Grass, a Broken Lock, and a Leaky Pipe
Rolled in to O'town to find high grass and weeds, a broken lock and a leaky,gushing pipe at good ol' 617. The best news, is that I am more glad to be home than I am upset about the inconveniences. The plumber came today and, some 80 bucks later, fixed the pipe. I think there was a problem with the plumbing that was worked on two months ago when the toilet was replaced. Oh well, now everything needs to dry out and then it's over. Over, for now, anyway.
Tomorrow I will skip down to Ace for a new dead bolt so that I can open my front door. No, I will not go to that malignant menace of a place that's popped up on 27. No way, it's just not happening. Hmmmmmmmm..........okay, so I think I really need to pray about this angst. The more I hold on to it, the more I give W*$&#^% control over myself. I must refuse this poisonous, but tempting, offer.
I'm completely tuckered out! I only hope sleep comes soon.
Tomorrow I will skip down to Ace for a new dead bolt so that I can open my front door. No, I will not go to that malignant menace of a place that's popped up on 27. No way, it's just not happening. Hmmmmmmmm..........okay, so I think I really need to pray about this angst. The more I hold on to it, the more I give W*$&#^% control over myself. I must refuse this poisonous, but tempting, offer.
I'm completely tuckered out! I only hope sleep comes soon.
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