Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Year and Longer It has been

A year and longer it has been
Since my words has one read
Much the same now completely changed
A different woman a familiar name

A year and longer it has been
Since my voice has one heard
Waning chords now joyous song
A different woman a familiar name

A year and longer it has been
Since my heart has one touched
Empty rythm now beating strong
A different woman a familiar name

A year and longer it has been
Since my spirit has one felt
Broken wings now soaring high
A different woman a fimiliar name

A year and longer it has been
Since my presence has one seen
Desolate form now radiant light
A different woman a different name


Kimmy said...

Uh-ma-zing. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ~ I am proud of you :)


Christi Lee said...

You've come so far, and I'm really happy for you. I haven't even seen you since the change, but I've heard good things. I hope I can see you soon! *HUG*

Project Playlist