Monday, November 28, 2005

A bit o' entertainment!

Okay, my housemate cheered me up today when she showed me this website where horses sing! Oh, so much fun! Enjoy:)


The ZenFo Pro said...

Hey! Hope finals are going well!

Merry Christmas early (going to Cali)


Anonymous said...

car dieu a tant aime le monde qu'il a donne son fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne perisse point, mais qu'il ait la vie eternelle.
jean 3.16

car tous ont peche et sont prive de la gloire de dieu
romans 3.23

soyez donc parfaits, comme votre pere celeste est parfait
matthieu 5.48

Smurf said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by, it was so nice to hear from you. My email address is I would love to hear from you. Email me sometime.

Smurf said...

You know what I just realized? Its been almost a year since you have posted. Now that you are back, will you be blogging again?

Project Playlist