Thursday, September 01, 2005

I fell off the face of the Classes started

I really has been way too long since I have posted. The start of the school year is always insane, but this year takes the cake...
First of all, I had to write a ten page paper about Russian Thaw cinema. Yes, I had all summer to do it, but life just wouldn't be as interesting if I had done it early. Of course, not! Instead I finally got a good start on it a few days before it was due! Procrastination is not one of my best qualities, but this time I really attempted to do it sooner...I can't even count the number of times that I took out my books and tried to research, but to no avail. My great idea of taking myself off of caffiene this summer was not the most beneficial. Yes, I have ADD, and since I don't want to take meds, I usually use caffiene for concentration. Without it, English looks like Russian, and though it's my major, it also looks like something foreign. Often, when it's really bad, my thoughts race so quickly that I lose my words and can't get out more than a stutter. I think the only reason I was able to blog this summer is because I usually wrote after blading, that is also part of my self medication... It is not fun to deal with, but I get through by the grace of God. In fact, I am thankful for it, because I could have it a lot worse....My grandfather, mother, and little brother have all battled epilepsy and then my other bro has a brain tumor. Yah, so overall, I feel blessed to only have ADD. BTW, I finished the paper with a little help from the Zenfo Pro! He taught me how to set up my paper so that it wasn't so overwhelming. In case anyone doesn't know yet, Librarians ROCK!

Hmmmm.....what else has been going on? Well, I wrote about a leaky pipe awhile back...Virgi, please don't hate me for not telling you...but since then we have had to deal with some mold in our basement and in my housemate's room. Yah, I didn't want to cause any unneccesary stress, Vir. Fortunately, my landlords came to do extensive repairs. Unfortunately, they came when I was writing my paper and classes were starting! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh! Good news is...the problem has been taken care of! Praise God!

Last but not least, my littlest bro graduated from AIT last week! He is now a bonified soldier for the United States Army! I couldn't go to his graduation at Fort Leonard Wood in Mossouri, but I got to spend time with him over the weekend. It was really good. He has always been super strong, but now I think he could take on a small army. While in Basic he was made Platoon Guide, and his Drill Sargeants have put him on the path for the same in the future. I am so proud of him! I love him so much, and I HATE the thought of him going to Iraq (which is highly likely), but I know that this is what he has always dreamed of doing. I'll have to write more on it later, but yah, I think one can get the gist. My Brother ROCKS!

Anyway, I will try to put myself back on the map, but I am not quite sure when or where I will appear. I only have four classes, but they require about 20 text books! Maybe I will post that list later. So far, I have finished 1. Only 20 to go! Arrrrgh! I am a slow reader too! I really have to get to bed, but I apologize for the abrupt absence. Trust me, I love learning, but it's only the second week and I find myself saying, "I would rather be blogging." I miss you all! Take care and God Bless!


Kimmy said...

Thanks for posting's nice to know what's going on in your life, and I always love reading your writing! Remember that a post doesn't have to be extensive....even just a few sentences are better than not posting at all. :)

Love you lots, and good to see you at Kofenya!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like a busy time ahead for you. But it sounds pretty cool also. Russian Thaw cinema - that's a cool subject to have to write on.

Hope classes go well, and pipes stop leaking. :-)


vir said...

ok lecture and questions about my new ad fab obsession for the last 3 years. the stopped the leak way cool that means the evil ooze has lost its food source. but did you use 10-25% bleach and hot water solution with a healthy squirt of surfactant (Dawn dishwashing soap is the strongest) to clean it all up? If not I'm getting my mask and we are gonna have a cleaning party so let me know! :)

ok i feel better now i would like to point out however that i am in Kara withdraw....

love you much!


Anonymous said...

so, i didnt actually read this blog so i cant make any witty responses to your yammering, but i can say this... i love you!
and i miss you a lot!
hope classes and stuff are going awesome.
j'etudie le francais beaucoup. today at least.
hey by the way you should listen to brooke fraser.. i think ive told you that a million times but her song "indelible" is quite wonderful...

love it.


Anonymous said...

hey... random question... how much did you pay for your computer?

Kara said...

-Super Mega Laptop that better last me 6 years...$3400-3600(I can't remember)

-21 years of knowing my fabulous cousin/half sister...PRICELESS;)

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Kara said...

Apparently, I just found out why I am a humanities major...after looking over this post....well, I have discovered that I can't add! LOL. I have now finished about 3 of those books and am about to finish another. hmmm......the others....yah, not liking that more aren't finished yet...oh, well. If I get time, I might work ahead...but after being sick for a week and a half, I think I better just focus on catching up!

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